Police in Zhengzhou, China, are wearing high-tech sunglasses equipped with facial-recognition technology to check crowds at transit centers and elsewhere for suspects, the Straits Times reported. Human rights groups have questioned the practice, but it has already led to the arrest of seven suspects accused of crimes that ranged from human trafficking to hit and runs, and […]
An innovative co-working/incubator space for Greater Des Moines nonprofits that launched less than a year ago has attracted eight resident organizations and recently gained its first investor — Delta Dental of Iowa. The Telligen Community Initiative Synergy Center, housed at the Iowa Center for Higher Education in Des Moines, is a program led by Telligen […]
Gallup and Northeastern University checked U.S. adults’ thoughts on how artificial intelligence (AI) will affect their lives, their work, educational choices and potential interventions from higher education, government and private industry. Among the key findings of the study, conducted via mail survey of 3,297 from Sept. 15 through Oct. 10, 2017: — Seventy-six percent of Americans “agree” or […]
Here in Iowa, where wind energy alone provides more than one-third of the power supply, it may not sound that impressive that 18.3 percent of the nation’s installed capacity is from renewable energy sources. But the federal government’s 2016 Renewable Energy Data Book shows the renewable industry is growing across the country. Among the tidbits: Renewable energy […]
Revolution, the Washington, D.C.-based investment arm of AOL-founder turned venture capitalist Steve Case, debuted a new “Ecosystem Playbook” last week that includes at least two Des Moines sources, Gravitate’s e-newsletter the Pull reported. The document draws ideas and insights from 33 cities visited on the “Rise of the Rest” bus tours, which stopped in Des Moines in 2014. The […]
Three ISU students have created Bit to Byte, a cryptocurrency funded project to provide learning resources for financially challenged and underrepresented youth. August Domanchuk and Xander Apponi, computer engineering freshmen, and technical communications freshman Jacob Hemmerich want to create student-led communities in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).
University of Iowa students are learning astrophysics by using a sandbox to create a terrain, then monitoring what happens when something travels across it. This is backed by part of a $405,011 National Science Foundation grant. The augmented-reality sandbox called “Gravbox” is a new take on similar systems used for geology and engineering, but designed for the […]
Nominations for the Prometheus Awards presented by LWBJ and organized by Technology Association of Iowa end Friday. The awards honor leaders and companies in the $11 billion technology industry, which accounts for 8.8 percent of the state’s gross domestic product and employs over 76,000 workers. There are a bunch of categories. You can see them here […]
ShieldX Networks has named Iowa State University a finalist in the 2018 SC Award for Best Cybersecurity Higher Education Program in the Professional Award category for its innovative use of the ShieldX APEIRO cloud security platform. The SC Awards are a high-profile contest among cybersecurity professionals. Winners will be honored April 17 in San Francisco. See […]
Each week we ask a community leader from various industries to have a little fun, peer into their crystal ball and look out 10 years in an effort to predict the future. THIS WEEK: Tiffany O’Donnell, executive director of Iowa Women Lead Change In 10 years … Currently, Iowa women hold 25 percent of top […]