ISU’s Iowa State Fair pitch-off names Continuum Ag “Best of Show”

Continuum Ag cofounder David Hora and Iowa State University President Wendy Wintersteen.

Photo contributed

Continuum Ag, a consulting and data management company with a focus on soil health, earned $5,000 and “Best in Show” at the “Great Iowa State Pitch Off: STANDING InnOVATION,” hosted by Iowa State University at the Iowa State Fair. Continuum Ag was one of 150 company pitches presented Aug. 8-15 in the Varied Industries building, and the winner out of 56 pitches competing in the semifinals. ISU President Wendy Wintersteen selected startup Comic Sandwiches for a $1,000 President’s Pitch Award. Seven finalists each received a $2,500 award. Four startups received $1,000 as an honorable mention.


Best of Show: Continuum Ag (Mitchell Hora and David Hora)

Youth Entrepreneur Award: Civil Teen Discourse (Owynn McNutt, Charlize DeArmond and Nicholas Stocks)

Community Entrepreneur Award: New Day Dairy (Lynn Bolin)

Applied Technology & Innovation Award: Haber Technologies (Eric Harweger and Dillon Hurd)

Applied Technology & Innovation Award: CattleTEC (Alex Irlbeck)

Civic/Social Entrepreneurship Award: Belange Handmade LLC (Belange Mutunda)

Cutting Edge Innovation: NXGenCare (Andrew Guillamette)

Iowa Entrepreneur Award: Deadeye BBQ (Michael Hanstad)


Comic Sandwiches (Grayson Burgess)


Jensen Applied Sciences (Dillon Jensen)

Lunchsox (Rebecca Lyons)

The Modern Milkman (Lauren Jones)

Process Partners (Courtney Middelkoop)