DeltaV Code School, an Iowa-based initiative offering technical education in coding, digital marketing and computer operations, announced Oct. 26 it will launch a 14-week cybersecurity training program. The inaugural cohort will begin classes Nov. 29. Introductory topics, including networks and cloud computing, will be covered briefly before progressing to cryptography, forensics, AI and more. The program will also feature guest lectures from industry professionals and a 72-hour simulated cyberattack as the final capstone, according to a news release. The course does not require previous formal education, but the design lends itself to candidates with “advanced user knowledge of computing environments and principles.” Qualifying candidates can receive Diversity Tuition Awards. Registration is open until Nov. 25 for candidates who need more foundational knowledge. Those who have prior experience can apply for accelerated admission while seats are available or until Dec. 22.