California-based Internet backbone and colocation provider Hurricane Electric has established a new “point of presence” in Des Moines, providing customers new connectivity options and access to Hurricane Electric’s global network, which has more than 250 major exchange points across the world. The internet exchange in Des Moines, called Des Moines IX, is now the most geographically centered internet exchange in the U.S., improving internet speeds and reducing costs for customers.
Hurricane Electric’s internet services are based out of the Connect Des Moines data center in downtown Des Moines, and include interconnectivity options for carriers, cloud providers, fiber and wireless network providers, content providers, and others. The Connect Des Moines data center also offers colocation through a different provider. Hurricane Electric also has a presence in Iowa in Davenport, and interest in the state from startups as well as Facebook and Microsoft prompted the new location.
“With Des Moines’ fast growing technology and insurance industries, Hurricane Electric is excited to be able to provide high-speed and cost-effective IP transit for these flourishing organizations,” Mike Leber, president of Hurricane Electric, said in a release. “The Midwest continues to be an important growth area for Hurricane Electric and we expect to announce further expansion in the coming months.”
CORRECTION: This news brief previously stated that Hurricane Electric is providing Internet transit and colocation services out of the Connect Des Moines data center. Colocation services are available at the data center but they are not provided through Hurricane Electric.