Dan Cosgrove, Vice President of Business Development for Corteva Agriscience, and Katherine Harrington, innovationIOWA Magazine sales manager, unveil the 2018 innovationIOWA Magazine cover on May 25.
Our lovely magazine released issue No. 5 at the innovationIOWA Magazine unveiling!
If you joined us at Corteva Agriscience – Agriculture Division of DowDuPont last Thursday, thank you for being there! If not, you don’t have to miss all the excitement – watch the video here. Order a print copy of the magazine at circulation@bpcdm.com, or Business Record members may also read it in full online here.
For now, here’s five things to note about our fifth issue:
1. Our fearless leader, Katherine Harrington: Credit where credit is due. Harrington was our master of ceremonies during last week’s unveiling, and is the driving voice and cheerleader behind innovationIOWA’s foundation.
What you might not know is this is Harrington’s second round championing the technology industry in print. Harrington co-founded monthly magazine The T Sector in San Diego, running from November 2000 until 2005, just before Harrington moved to Des Moines and found a role with dsm Magazine at Business Publications Corporation.
As publisher of The T Sector, Harrington and her staff were behind www.thetsector.com, daily e-newsletters and many of the San Diego tech scene events and awards – much like what we offer with innovationIOWA. Today, she is the director of strategic partnerships at the Business Record and pushed us to launch innovationIOWA way back in 2013, when she also took on the role of innovationIOWA Magazine sales manager.
If you haven’t met her yet but enjoyed our event and publications, please send all kudos to katherineharrington@bpcdm.com. Thank you, Katherine!
2. The Givers: innovationENTREPRENEUR of the Year Robert Riley and innovationLEADER of the Year Sukup Manufacturing are both leaders in Iowa industry thanks to an innovative mindset, persistence, and business acumen. What really makes Riley and the Sukup family stand out from the pack is their dedication to serving others.
Sukup (page 16 in the magazine) debuted the steel Safe T Homes after the company’s safety director saw the aftermath from a 2010 hurricane in Haiti. Now, these 250 square feet homes are protecting families and an orphanage’s education staff in Haiti, as well as families in Peru and some African nations.
Riley (page 18) is forward-thinking not only in terms of regenerative agriculture, but in community-building, promoting entrepreneurship, sustaining liberal arts education and studying tension in communications regarding policy discussions – he spends dozens of hours volunteering on boards and initiatives each week. “We need to rely on responsible members of society to do the right thing,” Riley told the Business Record.
3. The Kids: Curious about the budding STEM engineers shown in our pages? Meet Anna (page 50) and Danielle (page 54), both six years old and crafters at a Tigerlily STEM engineering session last month.
The two were part of a group of seven that day building their own robots out of plastic cups, balloons, wheels and a few basic mechanical parts, led by Tigerlily STEM founder and instructor Meredith Smith. Adult creations are pretty cool too, but who else is building a six-eyed robot?
4. The Personal: Throughout the issue, we’ve asked industry leaders about their own personal innovations in life – the problems they tinkered at throughout their career. Answers varied: from a new aerodynamic system (Ron Cox, page 32), a medical triage glove (Mark Darrah, page 62) to a metals extraction process (Adam Wright, page 116). Take a look, there’s more – use their words as a swift push forward on that solvable problem never far from your mind.
5. More to come: It doesn’t have to end after the magazine. If you aren’t already on our weekly innovationIOWA e-newsletter, sign up here for free updates on Iowa’s startups, bioscience, agritech, accelerators, medical research, food rescue apps, and more. Or visit us at www.innovationia.com and search the archives for features you’ve missed since our weekly newsletter debuted in December. Got a story we should hear? Email reporter Kate Hayden at katehayden@bpcdm.com and get on our radar!