A powdered shampoo (Powdu). An after-school chess club and traveling team (Chess Utopia). An online platform designed to simplify the resume-building experience for rising college students (CourseLink). And a comic book-framing shop that pivoted to quality prop replication for international customers (Comic Sandwiches).
Students and graduates of Iowa State University presented their 15 individual business concepts at the CYstarters Accelerator’s Demo Day this morning, culminating 11 weeks of work and up to $13,000 in funding for teams to develop their concepts without distraction.
CYstarter $1,000 Awards:
Jensen Applied Sciences, Dillon Jensen
The Modern Milkman, Lauren Jones
Curiosity, Paige Furman and Denis Tamiev
Impocket, Lila Dougherty
Comic Sandwiches, Grayson Burgess
CYstarter Alumni’s Breakfast Club Award:
Flourish, Lauren Gifford
Alumni Awards:
True360, Chris James
HomePainter, Jacob McClamon
KinoSol, Mikayla Sullivan
Cohort 2019 members
Stephanie Bias, Camp Aramoni
Alex Irlbeck, CattleTec
Anthony Swindell, Chess Utopia
Burgess, Comic Sandwiches
Phillippe Meister, Courselink
Furman and Tamiev, Curiosity
Gifford, Flourish
Dougherty, Impocket
Brandon Jorgensen, Iowa Virtual Reality Labs
Jensen, Jensen Applied Sciences
Geert Boelen and Annie Zeimis, One Hop Shop
Grant Keast, Pink Panda
Kyrstin Myhers, Powdu
Jones, The Modern Milkman
Justin Wright, WashWright