The Iowa Department of Management’s Division of Information Technology (DOM DoIT) is seeking the public’s input on Iowa’s upcoming broadband map. The DOM DoIT is required to update its broadband map every year. This year’s updates will be referenced as part of the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Program (BEAD). The state of Iowa received an allocation of $415,331,313 to implement the BEAD Program, a news release said. Eligible challengers include nonprofits, internet service providers and local and tribal governments. Iowa residents may also submit feedback and evidence regarding the broadband map. This information may then be submitted by eligible challengers on their behalf. Eligible challengers of the map need to register with the Challenge Navigator in order to submit a challenge, but Iowa residents do not need to register.
The following are important map challenge dates:
- Challenge Portal Registration: Begins April 24 (only available to internet service providers, local and tribal governments, and nonprofit organizations)
- Challenge Portal Preview: April 24 – May 14. Interested parties can access the Map Challenge Portal and review location data.
- Challenge Window: May 15 – June 13. The official map challenge window opens on May 15 and closes at 5 p.m. June 13
- Rebuttal Window: Begins June 14. Rebuttals can be submitted beginning June 14. The Rebuttal Window is available for 45 days after notification of a challenge.
- Adjudication Window: Begins June 14. DOM-DoIT will issue final rulings within 45 days of a rebuttal.