To increase STEM interest and achievements throughout the state, the Iowa Governor’s STEM Advisory Council was developed in 2011 and is made up of leaders in higher education and business, pre-K through 12th-grade educators, and state and local government officials. The STEM council is led by Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds and Kemin Industries President and […]

About three-quarters of women who work in computer programming and other computer-related jobs say they’ve experienced discrimination on the job, according to a new report released by the Pew Research Center and reported by Recode.By comparison, 16 percent of men reported discrimination.Respondents to a poll reported sexual harassment, pay disparity and other discrimination.The results come as […]

As the Global Insurance Accelerator begins its fourth class this month in Des Moines, New York-based MetLife has announced the launch of its own insurtech accelerator. The company will host the MetLife Digital Accelerator on its technology campus in Cary, N.C., Digital Insurance reported. The 13-week program, created in partnership with global entrepreneurial network Techstars, follows […]

You have through Feb. 2 to make nominations for the latest round of Prometheus Awards organized by the Technology Association of Iowa and LWBJ. The awards acknowledge individuals and companies influencing Iowa’s $11 billion technology industry, which accounts for 8.8 percent of the state’s GDP and employs over 76,000 workers. In one change, the Manufacturing […]

The state needs to establish an Iowa Bioscience Development Center as one piece of a four-part strategy for advancing its growth in the biosciences sector, according to a new consultants’ report released Tuesday by Gov. Kim Reynolds. Reynolds and Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg unveiled the economic development road map for Iowa’s bioscience industry during a news conference with […]

The Federal Communications Commission today gave companies the power to reshape Americans’ online experiences — saving faster speeds for certain sites and apps, the New York Times reported.The agency scrapped a 2015 decision that banned broadband providers from blocking websites or charging for higher-quality service or certain content. The federal government now will deregulate high-speed internet […]

Coming from the power industry, Wells Enterprises’ new chief information officer, Ryan Schaap, brought lots of new ideas to the two plants of the ice cream capital of the world. “We’re focusing on how to use our data better — using analytics to better sell our products,” he said. “In addition, we’re using real-time technology […]