Facebook announced that U.S. employees will not return to the office until at least January 2022 due to concerns about the coronavirus delta variant. “Data, not dates, is what drives our approach for returning to the office,” Facebook said in a statement. The social media company is the latest among tech giants to delay returning […]
Family members of missing persons who post to social media are being targeted by scammers extorting them for ransom payments, the FBI warned in a public notice. Scammers in these schemes typically use social media to identify cases of missing persons, their family members and details of the disappearance before calling or messaging ransom demands, typically […]
In our 2020 women’s survey, we asked a question about the impact of the #MeToo movement in retrospect. #MeToo is an inherently digital movement, debuting on the cultural stage in late 2017, though founder Tarana Burke first coined the phrase in 2006. One year after actress Alyssa Milano brought the phrase to public light, Pew Research […]
Download those social media controls before family time — nearly 7 in 10 Americans say they find people’s use of phones and other mobile devices at the Thanksgiving table annoying, reports the West Des Moines-based Meyocks’ 2019 Thanksgiving survey. Out of 1,4641 Americans surveyed, 32% admitted to checking or using mobile phones during the big […]
The Animal Rescue League of Iowa, Blue Compass, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, the National Pork Board and Strategic America were among the first-place winners at this year’s Hashie Awards, hosted by the Social Media Club Des Moines at Jasper Winery on Aug. 22. Categories by platform were split between business and nonprofit social […]
Although many older Americans have, like the rest of us, embraced the tools and playthings of the technology industry, a growing body of research shows they have disproportionately fallen prey to the dangers of internet misinformation and risk being further polarized by their online habits, reports Buzzfeed News. While that matters much to them, it’s also a […]
Founder and owner Brad Dwyer is passing the reigns of social gaming studio Hatchlings to E.B. Udegraff as the new CEO, Hatchlings announced Thursday. Updegraff, previously the marketing director at Hatchlings, joined the company in early 2017 and recently coordinated the launch of Hatchlings’ new game Pretty Jigsaw Puzzles in September 2018. Dwyer will stay […]
Des Moines Area Community College has opened enrollment for its new Facebook and Digital Marketing Certificate. The certificate program is part of Facebook’s initiative to train 1 million people across the U.S. by 2020; the company has partnered with DMACC to arm individuals and small businesses with social media and digital marketing skills. Facebook has […]
BLOOMBERG: Months after the Cambridge Analytica scandal erupted Facebook’s daily business, LinkedIn Corp, the Microsoft-owned social networking site for professionals, says it will open its trove of user data to approved academic researchers. Chief data officer Igor Perisic made the announcement in a blog post on Monday, insisting LinkedIn will have controls in place to […]
Emily Steele first noticed how slow foot traffic was at the East Village while shopping for a wedding outfit one afternoon. “The story in our city was that the East Village is a thriving community, that downtown should be just like the East Village and how do we make downtown just as successful,” Steele said. “The […]