Doug Elrick, professor and co-chair of the DMACC IT-Cybersecurity Digital Forensic Investigation program, was recently honored with the 2024 Spirit of IACIS Award from the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists. IACIS is a nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to training, certifying and providing membership services to computer forensic professionals around the world, according to a news release. Elrick […]

University of Northern Iowa physics faculty members will receive four federal grants to expand research efforts and support student training to enter the workforce. UNI will play a critical role in a five-year, $20 million National Science Foundation grant aimed at bolstering research capacity and infrastructure for Iowa’s bioscience and advanced manufacturing sectors. It’s part […]

Coe College in Cedar Rapids held a May Term course teaching students how to move an early-stage idea through ideation and validation. The course was taught by David Tominsky, Coe’s entrepreneur-in-residence, and a co-founding partner of Novy, and Samantha Brown, assistant professor of psychology and faculty co-director of C3: Creativity, Careers, Community, a career services program […]

Des Moines Independent Community School District recently unveiled a newly constructed barn for agriculture and horticulture students at Central Campus to gain experience in what it’s like to work in the agriculture industry. The new barn will be open for all students in the metro area who choose the Central Campus Ag program. According to […]

The North Iowa Area Community College John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center will hold its 2024 Youth Entrepreneurial Academy from June 3 to June 7 in Mason City. The event is designed to teach students about starting their own business and other entrepreneurial skills. On June 11, they will participate in a pitch competition for the chance […]

The 2024 John Pappajohn Student Entrepreneurial Venture Competition, the 24th annual, was held on April 22 in Des Moines. The competition, a collaborative effort of the five John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Centers, was the first one since John Pappajohn’s death last year. “It was a bittersweet experience to host this year’s competition just one year after […]

The New Bohemian Innovation Collaborative, or NewBoCo, is offering computer science professional development programs for the eighth year the week of June 24-28 in Des Moines. The programs train existing K-12 educators across Iowa to incorporate computer science into their classrooms to help provide access to computer science education to all Iowa students. This year, […]

The Iowa Biotechnology Association (IowaBio) announced the recipients of its Future Biotech Leader scholarships during the 2024 State Science and Technology Fair of Iowa. The five recipients are Sabrina Du, Kelly Takorbisong, Precilia Kangni, Aden Konig and Judith Williams. “We celebrate not only the achievements of these bright minds but also their passionate curiosity about innovation […]